Prevent Ransomware Now

Prevent Ransomware Now: When it comes to protecting your computer and data against ransomware WinAntiRansom is another layered security step that you can use in preventing ransomware from getting onto your computer and encrypting your data. As you see in this latest video it does an awesome job at blocking Teslacrypt, Cryptowall, CryptoLocker, Torrent Locker, KillerLocker, Petya, Zepto, Lockey, Vinus Lock, Santana, Cerber 1, 2 and 3, Holly Crypt, Cry Ransom, Hitler 1 & 2, Ransom File Locker, CBT Locker and many more.

WinAntiRansom recent update now has the ability to block Malware and Zero Day Attack. As you well know, being hit by ransomware can be devastating to anyone. Once it drops its payload onto the computer, it will encrypt all your data, then you will be held to ransom for a fee to decrypt your files. This can cripple small businesses and even bring the biggest companies to their knees. So why take the chance? WinAntiRansom is here to help and block ransomware before it strikes.

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