Remove Jigsaw Ransomware and Decrypt Files

Have you been hit by the Jigsaw ransom? looking for a way to Remove Jigsaw Ransomware and Decrypt Files Nasty NEW Crypto JIGSAW ransomware that taunts its victims and by encrypting the data files and then deleting them every hour if they don’t pay the ransom. Once infected, this Jigsaw ransomware will delete 1000 files from your computer every time the ransom is restarted by rebooting the computer system or by terminating the ransoms process, this is to make you pay sooner. The worst part is that you are on a timer and if you don’t pay by the end of the timer, it will delete all the data on your computer.
Thankfully there is a decryption tool that has been developed by MalwareHunterTeam​, DemonSlay335​, and Lawrence Abrams from bleeping computer.

link below for the decryption tool.

Here is the message on the screen of the ransom

Your computer files have been encrypted. Your photos, videos, documents, etc….
But, don’t worry! I have not deleted them, yet.
You have 24 hours to pay 150 USD in Bitcoins to get the decryption key.
Every hour files will be deleted. Increasing in amount every time.
After 72 hours all that are left will be deleted.
If you do not have bitcoins Google the website local bitcoins.
Purchase 150 American Dollars worth of Bitcoins or .4 BTC. The system will accept either one.
Send to the Bitcoins address specified.
Within two minutes of receiving your payment your computer will receive the decryption key and return to normal.
Try anything funny and the computer has several safety measures to delete your files.
As soon as the payment is received the crypted files will be returned to normal.

Thank you

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