How to Protect Against a Ransomware Attack

In this video we are going to learn how to protect against a Ransomware attack, we all know how crippling crypto ransomware can be, once hit with this type of infected, it will encrypt all your data and you will be held to ransom, for a fee they will send you a decryption code to release you data.

Never pay these cyber criminals it will only encourage them to create more of these nasty malware. So what can you do to defend yourself from these types of viruses? Well you can use whitelisting software like Winantiransom Plus+ this type of software is great to run alongside your antivirus program and firewall. It protects against many types of ransomware, for example: CTB Locker, File Locker, Torrent Locker, Teslacrypt, Locky, CryptoWall, and CryptoLocker.

So don’t be a victim, start to protect your data now.
1. Create a backup of your data on regular and store in away from the computer.
2. Create a system image of your computer and store it away from your computer, maybe on an external driver.
3. Install Winantiransom Plus+ or SecureAPlus.



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  1. Per Sørensen June 20, 2016

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