Don’t be a victim of Ransomware Your files are encrypted

Cerber Ransomware will encrypt your documents, photos, databases and other important files and say you have been encrypted!

To decrypt your files follow the instructions:

never pay cyber criminals to get your data decrypted, this will entice them to make more of these crypto ransom.

Cerber your documents, photos, databases and other important files have been encrypted!
To decrypt your files follow the instructions:

How did I get infected?

The Cerber ransomware is distributed via email which contain infected attachments that have the cerber in them, once clicked on, your system is then infected with cerber and your files will all be encrypted. Another way to get infected with cerber is by malicious websites.
Cyber-criminals don’t target you alone, they just spam out to a bunch of email addresses. These could be fake emails from shipping company’s like DHL, UPS, Amazon, FedEx. The email will say something like “we tried to deliver a package to you today, but failed for some reason.”

You will then click on the attachment for more details and cerber will then injected itself on your computer. I have made many videos showing how these work.

So remember:

1. Backup data on a regular basis.

2. Never click on attachment from unknown source

3. Never click on links from unknown source

4. Never download files from unknown source

5. Create system image of your computer and keep it updated.

6. Store backups away from your computer, never keep it plugged in to computer or you run the risk of that getting encrypted.

7. Install software to protect yourself against ransomware.

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  1. Sneha Capoor August 9, 2016

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