Looking for a way on how to avoid Ransomware? Crypto-Ransomware is rampant and is all over the internet, if you don’t have the right type of protection software installed, you have a good chance of getting infected by ransomware, once you get infected with ransomware you’re data will be encrypted and you will then be held to ransom to release you’re data from that encryption, there is decryption tools available to use to decrypt your data, but some ransomware files can’t be decrypted by these. So your choice is to ether pay the ransom to these cyber-criminals which has no guarantee they will help you decrypt your files once you pay their ransom demand. I personally would never pay these criminals.
So what can I do to protect myself? You can install SecureAPlus
Free Antivirus & Whitelisting Software.
Here is the download
Don’t put it off and leave it to another day, you never know when ransomware may strike.
Do I need to do anything else? I would recommend you make a backup of your data on a regular basis and create a system of your computer, I have made videos on how to do this.
The ransomware we will be using in our test is Crypto Ransom, which once injected on the system will encrypt all your data, we will test CTB Locker, File Locker, Torrent Locker, Teslacrypt, Locky, CryptoWall, and CryptoLocker.
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