Troubleshoot Driver Problems with Driver Verifier: Driver Verifier is a great way to troubleshoot and diagnose any driver issues you may be having, that could be (BSOD) Blue Screen of Death cause by a bad or corrupt driver that keep kicking up Windows Stop Errors Messages. These can be a nightmare to fix or repair if you’re not familiar with the Windows Operating System. Driver Verifier comes as a free diagnostics tool in windows which once start will run in the background testing for bugs in drivers . Once Driver Verifier detects a issue with your operating system drivers it will produce a Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) will result of its findings, then a dump file will created with all the following info that it has found and show any faulty driver information as a Stop Error Code .
1. Go to Start Button and in Search Box type verifier.exe open Verifier.
2. Select Create custom settings (for code developers) click Next.
3. Select Standard Settings, Force pending I/O requests, and IRP Logging click Next.
4. Select option Select driver names from a list and click Next.
5. Click on Provider this will sort the list by manufacturer.
6. Now select all drivers not provided by Microsoft.
7. Press Finish.
Just leave it now and wait for your BSOD, if you can’t run from desktop try running from Safe-mode and repeat process above.
Nothing happening after 12 hours of running? try for 24 hours, no crash after 24 hours, go back into driver verifier and disable driver verifier.
good luck