Samsung Galaxy S3 Screen Replacement Repair Using LOCA Glue
In this video I am going to be replacing the screen on the Samsung Galaxy S3.
I will be using the UV Loca Glue method, there is a risk when doing it the way I show in this video.
The safest way to replace cracked screen digitizer is to remove the LCD from the device and replace screen using a mobile phone mold, this way you can remove any excess glue or residue left behind after using the glue.
My way is a risk because glue can leak into the back of LCD and Camera and Sensor area if you don’t take the correct precautions, it can even seep into volume and home button area if you use to much glue. This can cause corrosion and end up in hardware failure, the phone may function OK for a week or two, but with the glue still wet under LCD and Backlight it can then end in tears.
So the ideal way is to remove LCD to be safe. Also you can always buy a complete new genuine Samsung Galaxy s3 i9300 LCD screen display touch digitizer.
So if you to follow this repair guide you do so at your own risk, I Britec will not be held responsible if you damage you mobile phone.