How to Check RAM/Memory Specifications on Windows 10
In this video, we will take a look at how to get full specs of your computer RAM/Memory without opening the computer case.
Find memory manufacturer
wmic memorychip get devicelocator, manufacturer
Find memory serial number
wmic memorychip get devicelocator, serialnumber
Find memory part number
wmic memorychip get devicelocator, partnumber
Find memory speed
wmic memorychip get devicelocator, speed
Find memory capacity
wmic memorychip get devicelocator, capacity
Find memory type
wmic memorychip get devicelocator, memorytype
Memory Type List:
0: Unknown. 1: Other. 2: DRAM. 3: Synchronous DRAM. 4: Cache DRAM. 5: EDO. 6: EDRAM. 7: VRAM. 8: SRAM. 9: RAM. 10: ROM. 11: Flash. 12: EEPROM. 13: FEPROM. 14: EPROM. 15: CDRAM. 16: 3DRAM. 17: SDRAM. 18: SGRAM. 19: RDRAM. 20: DDR. 21: DDR2. 22: DDR2 FB-DIMM. 24: DDR3. 25: FBD2.
Find memory form factor
wmic memorychip get devicelocator, formfactor
Formfactor Type List:
0: Unknown. 1: Other. 2: SIP. 3: DIP. 4: ZIP.5: SOJ 6: Proprietary. 7: SIMM. 8: DIMM. 9: TSOP. 10: PGA. 11: RIMM. 12: SODIMM. 13: SRIMM. 14: SMD. 15: SSMP. 16: QFP. 17: TQFP. 18: SOIC. 19: LCC. 20: PLCC. 21: BGA. 22: FPBGA. 23: LGA. 24: FB-DIMM.
Find all memory details
wmic memorychip list full
wmic memorychip get devicelocator, manufacturer, partnumber, serialnumber, capacity, speed, memorytype, formfactor
Powershell Command:
Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_PhysicalMemory