Free Windows Tweaking Utility

Free Windows Tweaking Utility

Windows Tweaker 4.1 is a free Windows tweaking utility, which you can use to tweak your Windows 8/7/Vista/XP both x86 and x64 systems are supported. It has 11 main categories, and access to 38 Windows tools (Device Manager, Registry Editor, DirectX Troubleshooter, Advanced Disk Cleanup, etc) all in one handy place.

It has over 100 useful tweaks that will work on Windows 8/7/Vista/XP
This app is a great time saver when it comes to tweaking your operating system.
Its always best to make a restore point and backup your data before making any tweaks to your OS and remember all your applied tweaks can be safely undone and put system back to default state without a trace left behind on your computer system.

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