Fix Samsung Galaxy TAB 3 Wont Charge or Turn on

Fix Samsung Galaxy TAB 3 Wont Charge or Turn on: So you have a Samsung Galaxy TAB 1, 2, 3, or 4 and it won’t charge or it won’t turn on. There is a number of ways to repair / fix this issue.

. One is remove the battery power connection for 30 seconds and then plug back in.
. Check ribbon cables and make sure they are not lose.
. Check USB charging port and make sure its not broke or damaged.
. Make sure you are using the correct Samsung charger and not a fake or cloned charger.
. Does the battery look blown or bloated? if you replace battery.

Watch my video on how to fix this simple issue. Remember if you are not experienced at this type of work, you be best to take it to a repair shop.

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