Disable Unwanted Visual Effects to Speed up Your Computer

Disable Unwanted Visual Effects to Speed up Your Computer: Is your Windows computer running slow? It’s not always down to Malware it could be a number of reason why you PC is running slowly, maybe you don’t have much memory or you have failing hardware or it could be dust build up in the case and causing it to overheat or run hot. But what if it’s none of the above and you just want to tweak it to run faster? Well there is a way you can speed it up by disabling some of the visual effects that are built into your windows operating system, this will work in Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 is different, I will show you that in another guide.

How does this work? well its easy, you can set it up for appearance or performance. Some people like the eye candy that makes Windows look pretty and others are not bothered about the looks and just want Windows to run faster. Now remember, you don’t have to disable any other these if your system is running fine, its for slow low end machines with little amount of memory (Ram).

How to Disable Visual Effects in Windows :

Windows 7 Visual Effects:

  • Click Start Button
  • Click Control Panel click view by Category in top right, click Small Icons
  • Click Performance Information and Tools
  • In the top right windows click on Adjust Visual Settings
  • Disable the visual effects you wish or what I have shown in image below.

Windows Vista Visual Effects :

  • Click Start Button
  • Click Control Panel, then click System
  • Click Advanced System Settings, Click Advanced tab, look for Performance section below and click on the Settings Button
  • Disable the visual effects you wish or what I have shown in image below.

Windows XP Visual Effects:

  • Click Start Button
  • Right-Click Computer click Properties
  • On the left of the window Click Advanced tab, look for Performance section below and click on the Settings Button
  • Disable the visual effects you wish or what I have shown in image below.


Step 1:

  • Click Start Button
  • Click Control Panel


Step 2: 

  • Click view by Category in top right, click Small Icons 
  • Click Performance Information and Tools


Step 3:

  • Click Visual Effects tab, then click Custom,
  • Remove Ticks like below image and click OK


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