How to Remove Total Protect
Total Protect is a fake antivirus program that generate misleading pop-up warnings, reports non-existent security threats on your computer and attempts to trick you in to buying software to remove viruses and other malicious software. This rogue anti-virus product can also slow your computer’s performance significantly and block legitimate programs or Windows tools. There are literally hundreds of fake AVs on the Internet meant to scare people into installing additional malware on their computers and giving their credit card numbers to cyber criminals. Total Protect is made to look like Microsoft Security Essentials, but it’s not legitimate. If your computer does become infected by this fake anti-virus program, please scan your computer with anti-malware software. To remove Total Protect from the computer,
Total Protect – Professional Antivirus Solution typically appears when you visit a fake online virus scanner or infected website. However, scam artists use social engineering to trick users into installing malicious software as well. If you have stumbled onto a fake security scanner or fake pop-up alert saying that your computer is infected — don’t click anything and close your web browsers. Unfortunately, cyber criminals also use drive-by downloads and software exploits to install Total Protect malware and other viruses on the computer even without user’s knowledge and consent. That’s why you should always enable your anti-virus software and keep it up to date and active.
Full Guide
by Lawrence Abrams