These are a trojan/virus (either the Win32/Pacex virus or the Win32/PSW.Agent.NDP trojan) that uses those two files. avpo.exe, avp0.dll, avp0.exe,, autorun.inf, wscript.exe
Here is how you can get rid of them using command prompt.
1) Open up Task Manager (Ctrl-Alt-Del)
2) If wscript.exe is running, end it.
3) If explorer.exe is running, end it.
4) Open up File | New Task (Run) in the Task manager
5) Run cmd
6) Run the following command on all your drives by replacing c: with other drives in turn (note: if you have autorun.inf files that you think you need to backup, do so now):
del c:autorun.* /f /a /s /q
7) Go to your WindowsSystem32 directory by typing cd c:windowssystem32
8) Type dir /a avp*.*
9) If you see any files names avp0.dll or avpo.exe or avp0.exe, use the following commands to delete each of them:
attrib -r -s -h avpo.exe
del avpo.exe
10) Use the Task Managers Run command to fire up regedit
11) Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Run (as usual, take a backup of your registry before touching it!)
12) If there are any entries for avpo.exe, delete them.
13) Do a complete search of your registry for and delete any entries you find.
14) Restart your computer.