Computer Repair: Missing or Corrupt Error Message System32DriversFastfat.sys
To resolve this problem do the followings:-
1. Boot computer with the Windows XP CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive.
2. To repair a Windows XP installation using Recovery Console, press R.
3. At the command prompt, type the following commands:-
cd windowssystem32drivers [Press the ENTER Key]
ren fastfat.sys fastfat.old [Press the ENTER Key]
If the fastfat.sys file is there and corrupt it will rename it. If it is not there then it was missing.
4. At the command prompt, type the following command, and then press ENTER:
copy X:i386fastfat.sys drive:windowssystem32drivers [Where X=CD-ROM Drive]
5. Remove the Windows XP CD from CD-ROM drive, type quit, and then
press ENTER to quit the Recovery Console.
6. Restart the system.