Compress a file using 7-Zip: Compressing data is a great way of saving space on your hard drive and archiving your data. Its now that difficult to do using 7-Zip to compress files. 7-Zip is an alternative to the Windows compression software. 7-Zip is a tool for compressing and decompressing files using different zip formats. You want to download 7-Zip in two flavors 32bit and 64bit
1. Go to Start > All Programs > 7-Zip > 7-Zip File Manage
- Navigate to data you want to compress and Select it
- Now click Add
2. Add to Archive window will open.
- Change Archive format to 7z
- Change Compression Level to Ultra
- Change Compression Method to LZMA2
- Optional Enter a Password if you wish
- Optional Add Encryption if you wish
Decompress a file using 7-Zip
1. Go to Start > All Programs > 7-Zip > 7-Zip File Manage
- Navigate to data you want to compress and Select it
- Now click Extract
That’s it, you have zipped and compressed you data and then decompressed it.
It’s a pretty good software, I used it before. Now I use WinZip ever since I ran across this guide: and I honestly trust it more with my files 🙂