6 Ways to Check Hard Drive or SSD Health on Windows 10

6 Ways to Check Hard Drive or SSD Health on Windows 10
Having a healthy hard drive or SSD is very important, if your drive is going bad with errors or bad sectors, then you run the risk of losing your data. So checking the health of your drive is essential. I will show you 6 ways to check health of the hard disk, ssd or nvme.

1. Check the BIOS and run a status check of the SSD
2. Use Manufacturer’s Tools to check health of the drive.
3. Use Optimize and Defrag in Windows 10
4. Use Windows CHKDSK Tool for Error checking.
5. Use WMIC in command prompt (wmic diskdrive get status, model)
6. Use Third-Party Hard Disk Health Checking Tool like crystaldiskinfo

Data Lifeguard Diagnostic for Windows



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