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Full Version: Windows 7 freezing
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(11-28-2017, 04:06 AM)LarryTheComputerGuy Wrote: [ -> ]Wow!!! old dude 56, that was more than 2 years ago...

Yeah I know like I said I couldn`t get logged back in for some reason my password was rejected
and when I tried to do the lost password routine I didn`t know there was a captcha code , for some reason it is put at the very bottom of the page and I didn`t think to scroll down until today
I thought maybe I got banned
but with persistence and dumb luck I found it
Thanks for replying lets me know I`m alive
2yrs ago or not, at least you persisted in letting us know, most people wouldn't have bothered so good job old dude 56 Smile
That's how I was raised just good manners
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