Today we are taking a look at should you or should you not defrag an SSD why the hate? was I wrong? Maybe you all got confused with the command defrag. Windows 11 and Windows 10 talks to media which is your SSD or Hard Drive. Windows knows to use TRIM on a SSD and Defrag on Hard Drive. Lots of hate in comments saying I was telling people to defrag a SSD which is false and completely wrong. The lack of understanding from people of what the command “defrag c: /o” is doing is wrong, if you have an SSD, it will run TRIM. In this video, I explain in more detail the difference between Defrag and TRIM.
Note: Don’t be rude, be polite in your response in the comments, if something is wrong, say it in a polite way. Example: Brian change Defrag to TRIM in title. Its not difficult. But people love to war in the comments and love to be right and nit pick and find fault in the video, title or thumbnail.
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