Virgin Media Data Breach | Have You Been Affected ❓
Are you a Virgin media customer? What to do if you are among 900,000 customers affected, and which data was hacked
Since April, 2019, information from 900,000 people was accessible via a Virgin Media database. Names, Addresses, Phone Numbers and Some date of birth info has been leaked.
Contacts of 1m Virgin Media customers left on unsecured
Virgin Media Leaked Very Sensitive Info
This is the sort of stuff leaked:
* Full names, addresses, date of birth, phone numbers, alternative contact phone numbers and IP addresses – corresponding to both customers and “friends” referred to the service by customers.
* Requests to block or unblock various pornographic, gore related and gambling websites, corresponding to full names and addresses. IMEI numbers associated with stolen phones.
* Subscriptions to the different aspects of their services, including premium components.
* The device type owned by the user, where relevant.
* The “Referrer” header taken seemingly from a users browser, containing what would appear to be the previous website that the user visited before accessing Virgin Media.
* Form submissions by users from their website.
This is pretty scary stuff if your a virgin media customer.
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