Disable Microsoft Windows Telemetry Like Copilot Recall The Safe Way

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Disable Microsoft Windows Telemetry Like Copilot Recall The Safe Way
Today we take a look at removing telemetry from Windows 10 and Windows 11 without using software. By using group policy on Windows 10 and Windows 11 we can decide which unwanted functions should be disabled.

Download: Remove-MS-Edge

# Function to prompt the user for confirmation

function Confirm-Action {

param (



$confirmation = Read-Host "$Message (y/n)"

return $confirmation -eq 'y'


# Function to remove a given app

function Remove-App {

param (



if (Confirm-Action "Do you want to remove $AppName ?") {

Get-AppxPackage -Name $AppName | Remove-AppxPackage

Write-Output "$AppName removed."

} else {

Write-Output "Skipped removing $AppName"



# List apps to remove (The below example contains some default Windows apps, feel free to add your own, or remove entries)

$appsToRemove = @(



























# Loop through app list and prompt for removal

foreach ($app in $appsToRemove) {

Remove-App -AppName $app


# Function to set a registry key value

function Set-RegistryKey {

param (





if (Confirm-Action "Do you want to set $Name in $Path to $Value ?") {

Set-ItemProperty -Path $Path -Name $Name -Value $Value

Write-Output "Set $Name in $Path to $Value"

} else {

Write-Output "Skipped setting $Name in $Path"



# Disable telemetry in using the registry

Set-RegistryKey -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DataCollection" -Name "AllowTelemetry" -Value 0

Write-Output "Windows Debloat completed"

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disablecopilot #disabletelemetry #windowsprivacy #removecopilot