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Full Version: Multiple Monitors
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I have an HP Elite 7500 desktop running Windows 10 with an i5 CPU, 6Gb of RAM and on-board Intel® HD Graphics. It has both VGA & DVI ports (one of each) and I am currently running 2 monitors (one off each).

Being greedy(!) I would like to run a third monitor. I am not into gaming (I run WP, spreadsheets, photo programs, YouTube etc.) so am not looking for super-powerful (or expensive!) graphics power. I understand that 3 monitors wouldn't be a problem for Win 10 and believe that what I need is a suitable plug-in graphics card. So far so good(?), but this is where I would be grateful for some help/advice.

Would an inexpensive card with a single monitor output be compatible with what I have already on-board, or would I need to 'start again' with a 3-output graphics card? Would I need software (drivers) or would it be 'plug-and-play'? Are there any other points/incompatabilites I should look out for?

All contributions most gratefully received!
