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So I've been trying to learn C++ and I've downloaded a free book on my phone that explains the basics but I am confused by Boolean Operator Statements (i.e. NOT, OR, AND.) I don't understand what their purpose really is? I can use if and else statements fine but these other ones I can't. Would somebody mind explaining what their purpose is?

All help is appreciated,
This should should make it more clear to you.
x AND y - returns True if both x and y are true; returns False if either x or y are false.

x OR y - returns True if either x or y, or both x and y are true; returns False only if x and y are both false.

x XOR y - returns True if only x or y is true; returns False if x and y are both true or both false.

NOT x - returns True if x is false (or null); returns False if x is true.

Here is a more sites that may help you.

Boolean Terms
