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Laptop on/off switch
I have a Samsung laptop with Windows 7 installed. I tried to buy a new on/off switch without success but now I do not think it is faulty after all. I think something more obscure is happening. It's wierd.

1. Open laptop and press switch. May work but usually not, so I
2. Insert a USB stick and press again. Probably works this time. May take 2 or 3 presses.
In the first case, if the power light comes on we're good to go but usually there's no light, not even a flicker.
In the second case, press (or press and wriggle) until light appears. POST begins.
(Keep button pressed for 0.5 - 1 second. Releasing too soon results in lights out, no boot.)

I hate intermittents but in all my years I have never encountered a problem like this where hardware depends (sometimes) on whether other hardware is present or not.

Tech friend suggested changing boot priority from USB, CD, HDD to HDD first. Haven't gotten around to trying that yet but can't really see how boot priority could affect what happens before POST begins.

Anyone seen anything like this?
Suggestions anyone?


Is the laptop plugged into mains power when you switch it on or is it running off the battery?

(07-12-2018, 08:12 AM)GuiltySpark Wrote:  Is the laptop plugged into mains power when you switch it on or is it running off the battery?

It is a new battery the supplier of which is the one who told me replacement switches are not available.
However it usually runs from the mains.

I have changed the boot priority now. it hasn't changed the problem.


did you try using a next power adopter?

Can you please post the exact model of that Samsung.
Tim's Computer Repair (TCR) 
1503 Kings Way, Savannah, GA 31406, US


I have not heard the term "next power adaptor". I don't understand what you are suggesting Sue.

Tim, Samsung model P580.

am asking if you try using a next power adopter or some people  say power Brick

to see if the problem go away

if you have not done that then that could be the problem

not trying to sound rude but when I say power adopter or power Brick

this is what I mean

[Image: s-l1600.jpg]

It must be your British accent Compton  Wink
My Aussie ears sometimes have trouble that way.
Thanks for being so rude. Appreciate it.
Brick I get. Adaptor I get. Next threw me. This is my home machine.

Anyway, I'll try that soon.
This session I removed mains power and it booted on third press/wiggle without USB assist.
Next boot will be same standalone setup too so that I can say fluke (or not).
Then I'll try a different brick.

Thanks for your patience. Have you ever seen a similar issue?
The closest I have ever seen is -
Boot with customer's printer ribbon - no picture, screen black. Boot with my cable, all good.
Centronics. CRT. Ah, that takes me back. Late '80s it was.


ok the thing is that when it comes to forums

people  can misunderstand words and  sentences when it comes to forums

it was not my intention to come to across rudely I am sorry if I did

what you are saying if you unplug the power adopter the laptop will power on

with just the battery

that tells me the power adopter could be the problem

be careful with what power adapter you try you can damage the laptop

you should try to get same power adopter that the laptop comes with

You were NOT rude. I certainly did not interpret what you said as rude in any way. I used italics and the wink to show that I knew you weren't being rude. I appreciated that you were straightforward. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words.

The computer is usually in one place and runs on mains power. I have a second brick in my laptop bag that I use when the laptop travels with me. I'll dig that out.

After I try a few more battery boots, I'll switch bricks. I'm not ready yet to say it always works away from the mains. It has happened once but then so has the on-the-mains booting. If it continues to boot away from the mains then I too will blame the brick. In any case, I will try the other brick soon.


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